GermOnline 4.0 is a genomics gateway for germline development, meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle.

GermOnline 4.0 is a genomics gateway for germline development, meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle.

GermOnline 4.0 is a portal that cross-species database which focuses on high-throughput expression data relevant to the development of the germline, meiotic cell cycle and mitosis in healthy compared to the malignant cells. Thus the source of information for life scientists and physicians who are interested in gene expression and regulatory networks. The GermOnline gateway provides unlimited access to the information generated by high-density oligonucleotide microarrays (3′-UTR GeneChips), protein-DNA binding test genome-wide and the study of protein-protein interactions in the context of the explanation Ensembl genome.

The sample used to produce high-throughput expression data and to perform genome-wide in vivo DNA binding test described by MIAME-compliant Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System (Mimas 3.0). Furthermore, Saccharomyces Genomics Viewer (SGV) was developed and integrated into the gateway. SGV is a visualization tool that outputs explanation stranded DNA genome and specific expression data produced by high-density oligonucleotide tiling microarrays (Sc_tlg GeneChips) covering the complete genome of yeast starters on both strands of DNA. This facilitates the interpretation of the expression levels and transcript structures are determined for different types of cells were cultured in growth and differentiation under different conditions.

Most scientific journals published microarray experiments require to meet the Minimum Information About Microarray Experiment (MIAME) standards. Ensuring that other researchers have the information needed to interpret the results or reproduce them. MIAME the necessary information including the experimental raw data, processed data, and data processing procedures.

However, the normalization method frequently reported inaccurately or not at all. Perhaps the scale factor is not even known except for experienced users of software normalization. We propose that using seed clustering algorithm, researchers can identify or verify the normalization information previously unknown or in doubt. For that, we produce descriptive statistics (mean, variance, quantiles and moments) for normalized expression data from gene chip experiments available in the data base ArrayExpress chip and clusters based on these statistics.

To verify clustering grouped chip with normalization method, we normalize the raw data to the chips selected from an experiment in ArrayExpress using several methods. We then produce the same descriptive statistics for the data is normalized and chip cluster using these statistics. We use this dataset lineage known as seeding data to identify the normalization method used in situations of unknown or doubtful.

 GermOnline 4.0 is a genomics gateway for germline development, meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle.
GermOnline 4.0 is a genomics gateway for germline development, meiosis and the mitotic cell cycle.

MAGIC database and interfaces: an integrated package for gene discovery and expression.

Rapidly increasing the rate at which the biological data produced requires a corresponding growth in the relational database and related tools that can help laboratories to compete with that data.

With these needs in mind, we describe here for Genomic Approach Modular, Integrated and Comprehensive (MAGIC) Database. Oracle 9i database or obtained from an initial focus in our laboratory on gene discovery through the production and analysis of expressed sequence tag (EST), and then the expression of genes that are considered good by grouping EST and microarray.

Apo Active FITC - Caspase 3 - - 100 Tests

FAB200-2 100 Tests
EUR 490

Dual Sensor Casp 3/7 &MMP 100 Tests

MITCAP200-2 100 Tests
EUR 520

Casp 3/7 FAM-DEVD-FMK 100 Tests

FAM200-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

Mito Flow - 100 Tests

Flo200-2 100 Tests
EUR 270

Fluoro ADP 100 Tests.

FLADP100-2 100 Tests
EUR 380

Fluoro ATP 100 Tests

FLATP100-2 100 Tests
EUR 380

aCella - AChE 100 Tests

CLACHE100-2 100 Tests
EUR 435

Fluoro AChE - 100 tests

AChE100-2 100 Tests
EUR 470

Saliva sample, 100 tests/kit

U400010 test Ask for price

Pelicluster CD36 FITC, 100 tests

M1613 1 unit
EUR 353.76

Pelicluster CD41 FITC, 100 tests

M1674 1 unit
EUR 353.76

Cy5 Reference Standard (100 tests)

BLI895B-5 5ml
EUR 599.4

Pelicluster CD49f FITC, 100 tests

M1672 1 unit
EUR 353.76

Flow Cytometry Cytotoxicity - 100 Tests

ACT100-2 100 Tests
EUR 300

JC 1 MMP Detection - 100 Tests

JC100 100 Tests
EUR 302.5

SR Poly Caspase Kit 100 Tests

SR100-2 100 Tests
EUR 610

Orthopoxvirus sampling, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400037 test Ask for price

Tongue swab sample, 100 tests/kit

U400054 test Ask for price

Oral swabs sample, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400023 test Ask for price

Nasal swab sample, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400024 test Ask for price

Fatty Acid Methylation Kit(100 tests)

06482-04 100TESTS
EUR 231

Carba-R sampling, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400055 test Ask for price

Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit (100 tests)

0805004 100 tests
EUR 334.56
Description: Please contact Gentaur in order to receive the datasheet of the product.

MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit - 100 tests

LOLT07-318 each
EUR 1223.22

Eosinophil Peroxidase Detection Kit 100 Tests

FLEPO100-2 100 Tests
EUR 460

MitoPT JC-1 Assay Kit (100 tests)

MBS258016-100Tests 100Tests
EUR 330

MitoPT JC-1 Assay Kit (100 tests)

MBS258016-400Tests 400Tests
EUR 590

MitoPT JC-1 Assay Kit (100 tests)

MBS258016-5x400Tests 5x400Tests
EUR 2705

Dual Sensor Casp 1 &MMP 100 Tests

MITCAP600-2 100 Tests
EUR 520

Poly Casp FAM-VAD-FMK 100 Tests

FAM100-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

Dual Sensor Poly Casp &MMP 100 Tests

MITCAP100-2 100 Tests
EUR 520

Nasal + oral swab sample, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400014 test Ask for price

Fluoro NAD/NADH Detection Kit - 100 Tests

FLNADH100-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

FAM-FMK - Caspase 8 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM300-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

FAM-FMK - Caspase 9 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM400-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

FAM-FMK - Caspase 6 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM500-2 100 Tests
EUR 610

FAM-FMK - Caspase 1 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM600-2 100 Tests
EUR 610

FAM-FMK - Caspase 2 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM700-2 100 Tests
EUR 610

FAM-FMK - Caspase 10 Detection - 100 Tests

FAM800-2 100 Tests
EUR 610

Anterior nasal swab sample, 100 tests/kit, 3 ml/tube

U400011 test Ask for price

Fluorescent NADP/NADPH Detection Kit 100 tests

NADPH100-2 100 Tests
EUR 572

MitoPT® JC-1 Assay Kit (100 tests)

924 100
EUR 226

CD45RA B-C15 IgG2a PE; 100 Tests /1ml

M854322010 1 unit
EUR 312.32

Total Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit (100 tests)

0805002 100 tests
EUR 409.44
Description: Please contact Gentaur in order to receive the datasheet of the product.

MycoAlert PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit - 100 tests

LOLT07-710 each
EUR 1223.22

Right Reference Standard™ APC High (100 tests)

BLI521-5 5ml
EUR 508.68

Quick kit protein checking on surfaces (100 tests)

OZ-20ST each
EUR 430

IL-17A, B-A50; IgG2b; PE; 100 tests/1ml

M853942019 1 unit
EUR 378.17

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (APC) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566109-1Vial 1Vial
EUR 505

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (APC) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566109-5x1Vial 5x1Vial
EUR 2235

IL-17A, B-A50; IgG2b; FITC; 100 tests/1ml

M853941019 1 unit
EUR 275.04

Fatty Acid Methylation Kit for glycerides(100 tests)

13246-84 100TESTS
EUR 210

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (FITC) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566107-1Vial 1Vial
EUR 625

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (FITC) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566107-5x1Vial 5x1Vial
EUR 3995

Right Reference Standard™ Fluorescein High (100 tests)

BLI512-5 5ml
EUR 508.68

ExoBrite™ 410/450 CD9 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P003-410-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 490/515 CD9 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P003-490-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 560/585 CD9 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P003-560-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 650/665 CD9 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P003-650-500 1UL
EUR 550
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Dual Sensor Casp 3/7 &MMP 25 Tests

MITCAP200-1 25 Tests
EUR 182.5

Right Reference Standard™ Phycoerythrin High (100 tests)

BLI515-5 5ml
EUR 508.68

ExoBrite™ R-PE CD9 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P003-RPE-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 410/450 CD63 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P004-410-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 490/515 CD63 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P004-490-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 560/585 CD63 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P004-560-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 410/450 CD81 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P005-410-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 490/515 CD81 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P005-490-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 560/585 CD81 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P005-560-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Casp 3/7 FAM-DEVD-FMK 25 Tests

FAM200-1 25 Tests
EUR 205

ExoBrite™ R-PE CD63 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P004-RPE-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ R-PE CD81 Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P005-RPE-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 680/700 CD9 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P003-680-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 770/800 CD9 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P003-770-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 680/700 CD63 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P004-680-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 770/800 CD63 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P004-770-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 680/700 CD81 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P006-680-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 770/800 CD81 Western Antibody (100 tests)

P006-770-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Right Reference Standard™ PE-Cy5 High (100 tests)

BLI518-5 5ml
EUR 508.68

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (R-PE) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566108-1Vial 1Vial
EUR 505

Annexin V (human), (recombinant) (R-PE) (Content: 100 tests)

MBS566108-5x1Vial 5x1Vial
EUR 2235

ExoBrite™ 770/800 Calnexin Western Antibody (100 tests)

P007-770-1000 1UL
EUR 679
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Human Annexin V ATTO 488 Recombinant Protein GST Tag 100 tests

MBS8431209-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

ExoBrite™ 410/450 IgG1 Isotype Control Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P008-410-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 490/515 IgG1 Isotype Control Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P008-490-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

ExoBrite™ 560/585 IgG1 Isotype Control Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P008-560-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Human Annexin V ATTO 647N Recombinant Protein GST Tag 100 tests

MBS8431210-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

ExoBrite™ R-PE IgG1 Isotype Control Flow Antibody (100 tests)

P008-RPE-500 1UL
EUR 575
Description: Primary and secondary antibodies for multiple methodologyimmunostaining detection application

Human Leptin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests

100-135-LEH 1 kit
EUR 781.2

Human Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests

0030N 1 kit
EUR 708

Bovine Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests

0030-10-B1 1 kit
EUR 781.2

Anti- Ethynylestradiol-3 1000 tests Antibody

GWB-27884C 1000 TESTS Ask for price

aCella - TOX 1000 Tests

CLATOX100-4 1000 Tests
EUR 1650

Human Insulin-Biotin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests

0030-20-I 1 kit
EUR 854.4

Mito Flow - 500 Tests

Flo200-3 500 Tests
EUR 525

aCella - AChE 1000 Tests

CLACHE100-4 1000 Tests
EUR 2425

aCella - TOX 500 Tests

CLATOX100-3 500 Tests
EUR 855

Fluoro ADP 500 Tests.

FLADP100-3 500 Tests
EUR 1760

Fluoro ATP 500 Tests

FLATP100-3 500 Tests
EUR 1760

aCella - AChE 500 Tests

CLACHE100-3 500 Tests
EUR 1430

Fluoro AChE - 500 Tests

AChE100-3 500 Tests
EUR 1870

HIV-1 p24 ICx/CRx (Immune Dissociation & Reactive Confirmation) Kit (100 tests)

0801096 100 tests
EUR 120

HIV-1 p24 ICx/CRx (Immune Dissociation & Reactive Confirmation) Kit (100 tests)

801096 100 tests
EUR 120

Lysing Buffer, 125 tests

M858040125 1 unit
EUR 94.04

Pig Interleukin-7 (IL-7) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9990 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Mycoprep (for 2 tests)

FD173-1KT 1 unit
EUR 25.25
Description: Mycoprep (for 2 tests)

Mycoprep (for 10 tests)

FD173B-1KT 1 unit
EUR 101.23
Description: Mycoprep (for 10 tests)

Annexin V FITC (500 tests)

EXB0029 500tests
EUR 577.5

ToxiLight Assay Kit - 1000 tests

LOLT07-117 each
EUR 624.23

ToxiLight Assay Kit - 500 tests

LOLT07-217 each
EUR 347.82

LP Assay, 20 tests/kit

U202006-20 test Ask for price

TP Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203004-20 test Ask for price

TV Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203009-20 test Ask for price

3-Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

10855 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Horse Anti-Cobra (Naja Naja) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests

570-100-CHG 1 kit
EUR 854.4

FDA Staining Solution (500 tests)

LBF23211 each
EUR 194.02

Cy5 Reference Standard (280 tests)

BLI895C-14 2x7ml
EUR 1153.44

Urine sample, 20 tests/kit

U400041 test Ask for price

Annexin V Dyomics 647 (500 tests)

EXB0030 500tests
EUR 737

ER Enrichment Kit (20 tests)

P536 - Ask for price

Malaria Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203010-20 test Ask for price

ViaLight Plus Assay Kit - 1000 tests

LOLT07-121 each
EUR 678.41

ViaLight Plus Assay Kit - 10000 tests

LOLT07-321 each
EUR 4638.19

AO Cell Viability Kit (500 tests)

LBF23002 each
EUR 184.21

PI Cell Viability Kit (500 tests)

LBF23003 each
EUR 184.21

Monkeypox Virus, 20 tests/kit

U202028-20 test Ask for price

Yeast Viability Kit 1 (500 tests)

LBF23202 each
EUR 333.54

UU/MH Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203005-20 test Ask for price

Human Aquaporin-3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, quantitative

9555 1 kit
EUR 1000.8

ViaLight Plus Assay Kit - 500 tests

LOLT07-221 each
EUR 353.45

MycoAlert Control Set - 10 tests

LOLT07-518 each
EUR 198.67

REO-3, REO Virus Type 3 (Rat Sera) EIA, 96 Tests/Kit

SMART-R13 each
EUR 218

Pig Interleukin-3 (IL-3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9975 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

MTC/NTM Assay, 20 tests/kit

U201002-20 test Ask for price

Lysosome Isolation Kit (20 tests)

P534 - Ask for price

Cy5 Reference Standard (20 tests)

BLI895A-1 1ml
EUR 304.56

Mouse Aquaporin-3 (AQP-3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9195 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Simian SRV EIA, 48 Tests/Kit

4812 each
EUR 390

REO-3, REO Virus Type 3 (Mouse Sera) EIA, 96 Tests/Kit

SMART-M13 each
EUR 218

Mouse Neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9210 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Nori® Human Galectin-3 POCT Systems-25 Tests

GR220020 25 Tests
EUR 618

Human C1q ELISA Kit, 96 tests

2940-10 1 kit
EUR 927.6

Simian STLV EIA, 48 Tests/Kit

4813 each
EUR 390

MDCK CELLS MWP W48/48F - tests

83-4848X each Ask for price
Description: flask ; Single or Mixed ; FreshFrozen

SR Poly Caspase Kit 25 Tests

SR100-1 25 Tests
EUR 205

Human Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9690 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Human Bone Morphogenic Protein 7 (BMP-7) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

100-190-B7H 1 Kit
EUR 1000.8

Nori® Canine Galectin-3 POCT Systems-25 Tests

GR221020 25 Tests
EUR 618

Nori® Feline Galectin-3 POCT Systems-25 Tests

GR222020 25 Tests
EUR 618

Nori® Equine Galectin-3 POCT Systems-25 Tests

GR223020 25 Tests
EUR 618

Chicken Interleukin-3 (IL-3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

10700 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Rat Rena-strip Kit, 25 tests

R-RENA-LF-025 25 tests
EUR 617.3
Description: Rat Rena-strip Kit could be used both as qualitative or quantitative (with reader) for a detection of KIM-1 in urine samples from rats. The procedure takes about 25 minutes.

Fluorescence Signal Enhancer 1 (500 tests)

LBF23213 each
EUR 185.3

Simian Measles EIA, 48 Tests/Kit

4814 each
EUR 390

Human Rena-strip Kit, 25 tests

H-RENA-LF-025 25 tests
EUR 617.3
Description: Human Rena-strip Kit could be used both as qualitative or quantitative (with reader) for a detection of KIM-1 in urine samples from human. The procedure takes about 25 minutes.

HPV 16/18 Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203011-20 test Ask for price

HPV 6/11 Assay, 20 tests/kit

U203012-20 test Ask for price

Gene discovery database MAGIC part focuses on the information obtained from the DNA sequence and its biological relevance. Besides MAGIC SEQ-LIMS, which are designed to support the activities in the laboratory, it contains some additional subschemas.


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